Do you ever find yourself having difficulty focusing? Find yourself spinning your wheels and not accomplishing anything? Does it get you frustrated with your situation?
I’ve been having a lot of difficulty keeping myself focused recently. There are so many interesting and intriguing things in this world that I want to learn about, experience and share, I am often finding myself paralyzed with a complete inability to do anything.
And now that the Things are finished school for the year, it’s time to find the new rhythm for the next couple months.
When things are hectic I often find myself not grounded. There are many different ways to help yourself feel more grounded.
Find ways to connect with nature. Go sit outside and enjoy the warm sun on your skin. Walk barefoot on the grass. Watch the leaves flutter in the breeze, smell the air. Contemplate how you are part of and connected to the world around you. Breathe it in.
Many gemstones carry properties that are grounding. A few of my favourite grounding gemstones are Agate, Green Aventurine, Jasper, Obsidian, and Ruby. And the nice thing about this is that you can wear these gemstones in lovely pieces of jewelry, like this Obsidian and Ruby Link Bracelet.
Over the weekend I found myself not accomplishing anything, and everything DH and the Things were doing was grating on my nerves. All I could think was “I have to get away from here!”. Putting a movie on for the Things, I removed myself from the chaos and spent some time in my “sanctuary” for some meditation. Below is a Black Agate Meditative Buddha Mala Style Bracelet which can be used during meditation.
Being able to sit still, be quiet and just be, can help you shed the frazzled feeling. Allows you to focus on the task(s) at hand. Calms your nerves and steady your mood. All of which can help get you grounded.
And don’t forget to breathe.