Have you ever found yourself having to do something that is not within your comfort zone? This could be meeting new people, going to social settings where you don’t know anyone, networking for work just to name a few. Maybe you’re good one-on-one, but groups and crowds of people make you uncomfortable and self-conscious, or vice versa. If you’re like me, you feel emotionally torn because you know you should do it but you’d prefer to stay home in your pajamas. It’s tough to put yourself out there, but we can’t always shield ourselves from situations where we will experience social insecurity.
You Will Be OK
Our thoughts have a lot to do with our social insecurity. Many of us build up limitations for ourselves as a result of the negative self-talk we do around something outside our comfort zone which can make it more difficult to get out there and experience life.
If you’re telling yourself that the people you’re meeting or talking to will not like you, you are likely to not put yourself out there. Recognizing that a situation can or will cause you social insecurity is the start of championing your social insecurity.
- notice your limiting thought pattern related to the situation
- interrupt your negative self-talk to start reframing it in a more positive way
- redirect the negative thoughts to more productive areas.
- know that even though the situation is uncomfortable and outside your comfort zone, you will be ok.
Part of being able to recognize your limiting thought pattern is to understand your trigger, in other words, what causes you to feel uncomfortable.
- do you have a fear of being seen?
- a fear of making a fool of yourself?
- are you afraid of not being liked?
- fear of how other people will perceive you?
The people you are meeting are probably just as insecure as you, maybe not for the same reason(s) but we’re all human and none of us perfect.
Crystals and Essential Oils for Social Insecurity
- Smoky Quartz – Root Chakra
- transmute negative thoughts,
- keeps you grounded and less likely to fall prey to your wild thoughts
- Aquamarine – Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra
- soothing energy
- Citrine – Solar Plexus Chakra
- resolve your will to engage and put yourself out there
- Valor
- balances energies and instill courage, confidence and self-esteem
Pick your stones with intention.
Wear jewelry that incorporates the crystals or aromatherapy jewelry as a physical reminder to you while you are in uncomfortable situations.
Carry the crystals in your purse, your pocket or leave them on your desk near where you work so that you can redirect your thoughts when you start to feel social insecurity.
There’s a lot of magic that can happen outside of our comfort zone if we’re able to harness our social insecurity. What are you doing to get yourself out there?