Ep #54: The BEST Investment You Can Make Right Now
If someone asked you to name your best investment, what would you say? A house? A car? Maybe a retirement fund? Most of us instinctively point to material assets. Even a quick Google search will highlight financial products like real estate or stocks. But here’s the truth: you are the best investment you’ll ever make.
In this episode, we challenge the cultural narratives that equate stability and worth with material possessions. If you’ve been holding tight to what feels safe but find yourself stuck or unfulfilled, it’s time to shift your perspective.
You’ll learn:
🗝️ Why investing in your growth is the most valuable decision you can make.
🗝️ How fear of letting go blocks your ability to thrive.
🗝️ The role of the status quo bias in keeping you trapped in comfort zones that no longer serve you.
🗝️ How releasing material attachment can open doors to abundance, joy, and fulfillment.
We’ll also explore the wisdom of the Four of Pentacles tarot card, which asks you to release your grip on what you think is stability to make room for true growth. From societal conditioning to personal fears, we uncover the barriers holding you back and offer actionable ways to break free.
Supporting you on this journey is Lapis Lazuli, a crystal of introspection, emotional release, and spiritual connection. Learn how to work with its energy to trust yourself, embrace the unknown, and unlock your highest potential.
If you’re ready to step into the unknown and make the ultimate investment in yourself, don’t miss this episode. Plus, discover how to connect with like-minded souls in the free Charmed Community or dive deeper into your growth with the Crystal Self Healer member’s portal.
Release what’s holding you back and embrace the transformation waiting for you.
Listen now wherever you stream your podcasts or visit www.threecharmedgems.com to learn more.
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Episode #54 – The BEST Investment You Can Make Right Now
Welcome to the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. I’m Corissa Weaver. On this podcast, we blend the magic of crystals with the science of psychology to help you break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day. Get ready to unlock your intuition and restore your true power as we cover how you can transform your life using crystals and self awareness.
Are you ready to get started? All right, let’s go.
If I asked you what your best investment has ever been, what would you say? Pause for a moment and think about it.
I’m going to guess that for many of you you’re going to highlight something, material like a house, a car, a retirement fund.
Even when you Google it, the responses focus on financial products. Things like retirement funds, stock portfolios or real estate investments.
But what if I told you that you were the best investment and that while those other things are nice to have, they’re not the best way to measure your safety and security. Investing in your growth, your learning, is the best place for you to spend your time and your money.
If you’ve been holding on to what feels safe and secure but find yourself stuck or unfulfilled this episode is for you. We’re going to explore why the best investment you can make right now is releasing your hold on material resources and how you can trust in your ability to rebuild. You’ll learn how the fear of letting go blocks your growth and how embracing trust in yourself can open the doors to more abundance, joy, and fulfillment in your life.
The four of Pentacles came up in the what to release position in a tarot reading recently. And in a moment of time when we’re facing political, societal and financial instability this placement of the card can feel counter-intuitive at best.
The four of Pentacles has an individual sitting on a solid bench, a metropolis or town behind them, with two Pentacles under their feet, one being held at their chest and one at the top of their head.
All of this would imply stability. When considering the hierarchy of needs, the material resources that allow you to feel taken care of, fulfilled, and able to seek enlightenment.
Yet in the space of what to release, the card now asks you to examine where you might be holding on to this stability in a way that blocks you from getting what it is that you want., Whether that’s money, relationships, or enlightenment.
Cultural and societal narratives often tell us that stability and worth come from what we own or achieve materially. It’s no wonder we hold on so tightly to those ideas.
For this reason, the discomfort of what you have and know is easier to endure than the discomfort of putting yourself out there in the name of experiencing your dreams.
This card, in this placement, is asking you to see where you’re holding on so tightly that you’re holding yourself back.
So let’s talk about this catch 22 of our desire and need for safety and stability and the call to release it.
Humans are creatures of habit so our surroundings become familiar and then that’s what we draw comfort from. And when we’re challenged to release that sense of security and comfort we then start to act out in ways that may not be helpful for us or our goals. We’re conditioned to think that material resources are something we need to hold onto. That if we don’t keep it that we won’t be replenished.
Our brains are wired to crave and seek out what’s familiar, even when it doesn’t serve us. The discomfort you know feels safer than the unknown, simply because your brain can predict what will happen.
This is what is known as the status quo bias: the tendency to stick with what’s familiar because it feels less risky. Even when the path ahead offers more joy, fulfillment, or abundance, your mind might stop you in your tracks by offering thoughts like “What if it doesn’t work out?” And so, you stay put, not because it’s the best choice, but because it’s the least threatening one.
Let’s say you have a job you don’t like, but it happens to pay the bills. You feel miserable and cranky most days because the job demands so much of you and the compensation doesn’t match the input you have to give. Yet you hold onto this job because of the paycheck.
By clinging so tightly to this version of stability you block your happiness or even the possibility of increasing your paycheck by changing jobs or asking for a raise.
I know this may be a simplistic example because there are more factors that could be at play here, but I think you get the picture. That we make do in situations and circumstances we don’t like because of what it offers, instead of opening ourselves up to other possibly better opportunities.
By doing this, we send a signal that we don’t trust more to come. This blocks the flow of what we want coming into our lives and keeps us stuck in a cycle of lack, where we need to hold on to what we have, even when the opportunities to thrive are right in front of us.
So let’s consider that the stability you’ve been clinging to isn’t stability at all. What if it’s a false sense of security or the very thing that is keeping you on a path to nowhere? Like staying in that job you hate, or the relationship that no longer fulfills you. It feels safe, but is it truly? What lies on the other side of loosening your grip and stepping into trust?
The biggest reason we struggle to let go is because letting go feels like losing control.
For example, exploring and investing in that new course might stir up discomfort and chaos because it challenges narratives that have been the guiding star for the concept you hold of who you are in this world and how to make sense of it.
So when you approach learning new things, especially ones that go against traditions you’ve been raised in an under, naturally you’ll fear what repercussions you might face as a result. Perhaps you worry you’ll find that the warnings were true and you’ll suffer the consequences of fate. Or that people you regard highly will reject you because you’ve chosen an unapproved path. But what if these fears and worries are limiting the full spectrum of enlightenment available to you?
I find it fascinating that some traditions discourage exploring perspectives outside of their own, as if stepping into a new experience might lead to irreparable harm or confusion. That by learning something new or other you’ll get led astray, and somehow get lost. This approach can create a sense of fear around learning or having curiosity, reinforcing the idea that safety lies only within the familiar.
What if true growth requires you to question these boundaries and seek enlightenment beyond what you’ve been taught? While the need to cling to familiarity is deeply rooted in many cultural and personal narratives, some traditions like the Amish practice of Rumspringa, challenge this notion and encourage stepping into the unknown.
If you’re not familiar with this tradition, it’s like a rite of passage for teenagers to step outside the secure, familiar world of their upbringing and enter a period of exploration, risk, and self discovery outside of the Amish community. While for the Amish this is the time for them to contemplate their commitment to their faith and community, the practice itself mirrors the stepping into the unknown by releasing what you’ve known to create stability and safety.
So ask yourself, what’s something you’ve been dismissing because it feels too disruptive or risky? Where do you fear you’ll lose control if you were to explore something outside of what is your normal routine? Maybe it’s homesteading, maybe it’s joining community, maybe it’s finally investing in that program you’ve been wanting to do. Whatever it is, the four of Pentacles is nudging you to notice where you’re clinging on to security and asks you to follow the desire that you’ve been dismissing because it would feel too disruptive to your life.
Investing in you, your growth, your learning, is the investment that will never lose value or become obsolete. When you realize that no matter what happens, you always have what you’ve learned to come back to, to draw on, you no longer have to fear losing what you have because you know, you can build it again.
Lapis Lazuli is the crystal I’m going to offer you to work with as you navigate the best investment you can make right now.
Lapis Lazuli encourages introspection and self-awareness which will help you connect with your own inner wisdom, making it easier to question the cultural and societal narratives you may be clinging to.
Lapis Lazuli aids in the process of emotional release, those waves of fear and uncertainty that rise up. This will help you feel a sense of calm and stability as you step into the unknown.
Lapis Lazuli aligns with the third eye chakra, deepening intuition and spiritual connection, which will foster trust in the unseen forces of the universe.
Lapis Lazuli is also associated with the throat chakra, which will empower you to speak your truth and advocate for your needs as you explore the idea of investing in yourself.
If today’s episode speaks to you, I’d love to invite you to join the Charmed Community. It’s my free space, where I share a weekly crystal and tarot forecast to help you align your energy and focus your week.
You’ll also connect with others who are exploring their growth and creating change in their lives just like you. Join us for free, the link is in the show notes. I’d love to see you in there.
And if you’re ready to take things a step further and dive deeper into your own growth and healing, I’d love to see you inside the Crystal Self Healer member’s portal. It’s where we go beyond the weekly guidance and focus on equipping you with tools, resources, and support to build your confidence in crystal healing and emotional self care. Inside you’ll find personalized coaching, healing sessions, and everything you need to truly empower yourself to live with more ease and alignment.
Visit my website www.threecharmedgems.com or click the link in the show notes to learn more and join me. Your next level of healing and transformation is waiting.
Today’s episode has been brought to you by the four of Pentacles, Lapis Lazuli, and the status quo bias. May we all see that the path to our greatest potential lies just beyond our comfort zone, where the investment in ourselves brings us closer to our true purpose. Blessed be, my friends.
All right, my friends, that wraps up this week’s episode. Thank you for joining me here today on the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, leave a review, and take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz linked in the show notes. Join me again next week as we continue to demystify crystals, how your brain works, and how you can use them so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day.