Ep #34: Escape the Productivity Trap with Crystals

by Corissa Weaver | Crystal Self Healer Podcast

Are you caught in the cycle of trying to do it all, only to end up feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled? You’re not alone. Empath and sensitive women often fall into the productivity trap, believing they need to be constantly busy to prove their worth. But what if there was a better way? In this episode, we dive into how you can escape from the productivity trap with crystals so you can let go of the pressure to be perfect and start living a life that feels balanced and joyful.


Discover the tools you need to release limiting beliefs, calm your mind, and find harmony in your daily life. We’ll explore how to embrace self-compassion, prioritize your well-being, and let go of the unrealistic standards that keep you stuck. If you’re ready to shift from stress and self-doubt to a life of peace and purpose, this episode is for you.




* The power of self-worth beyond achievements.

* Effective Strategies for Prioritizing Self-Care and Rest.

* The benefits of shifting focus from perfection to progress.

* How to access the tools and resources that will help you achieve lasting change.


If you’re ready to step off the hamster wheel and start experiencing more balance and ease in your life, this episode is your starting point. And for those who want to dive deeper, join me inside the Crystal Self Healer members portal, where we’ll create a personalized path that clears your hurdle and unlocks your true potential.


Tune in now, and make room for the life you’re meant to live.




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Download the Charmed Morning Ritual Worksheet to help you get your life in order: https://www.threecharmedgems.com/charmed-morning-ritual-opt-in/


Want to take this work deeper and apply it to your life?  Book your complimentary Discovery Call here: https://www.threecharmedgems.com/calendar


Want to know what crystal will help you right now?  Take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz and find out how you can start your own crystal practice here:  https://www.threecharmedgems.com/best-crystal-for-you-quiz/


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Episode #34 – Escape the Productivity Trap with Crystals

Welcome to the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. I’m Corissa Weaver. On this podcast, we blend the magic of crystals with the science of psychology to help you break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day. Get ready to unlock your intuition and restore your true power as we cover how you can transform your life using crystals and self awareness.

Are you ready to get started? All right, let’s go.

Each week inside the charmed community, we do a Crystal and Tarot Forecast where we get guidance and insight from the cards, and crystals that support you in creating ease and joy for your upcoming week.

The other day, a theme emerged that I’m sure many of you experience. That is the persistent need or pressure to be in a state of producing more, being more, doing more to keep being worthy.

Just thinking about it makes me exhausted. And when I reflect on the work of Bronnie Ware who worked in palliative care and interviewed many of her clients, Not once did her clients say they wished they had done more work.

So if you’ve been feeling like your only way forward is to keep staying on the hamster wheel, this episode is for you because we are going to explore how to escape the productivity trap so you can enjoy your life.

You’ve probably been told your whole life that your value comes from how much you can do, how productive you can be, how good you perform at what you’re doing. Think back to when you were in school, taking music lessons, doing after school sports, wanting to avoid being written up with a performance review at your job.

This constant drive for productivity can drive your overwhelm and feelings of inadequacy.

It’s hard to get off the hamster wheel because our whole society is structured around measurements for and of performance, but your true self-worth is not related to your achievement for any of these measurements.

When you’re constantly pushing yourself to do more, be more, without giving yourself permission to rest, you’re depleting your energy and leaving yourself with little to give to the things that truly matter in your life.

Relentless focus on productivity clouds your clarity. It’s hard to see what really matters when your mind is cluttered with to-do lists, and your core values and longterm goals get lost along the way. You may look back at all the work you’ve been tirelessly doing and feel like you’ve not made any progress, or you feel untethered from your true desires. This is you spinning your wheels, working harder, but staying in place and feeling ineffective as a result.

Then there’s the anxiety that comes with this feeling of need to perform. When you’re trapped in the belief that you must always be doing more, it’s impossible to truly relax, even if you’ve planned the time into your schedule. How often have you been at a scheduled event that you actually want to be at, but your mind is wrapped up with all the things you should be doing or aren’t addressing because you’re here instead of there.

Many times you experience a nagging guilt in the back of your mind telling you that you should be doing something else, and this constant stress not only drains your mental and emotional resources, but paralyzes you from enjoying where you are or from taking intentional aligned action that would actually move you forward in your goals and desires.

And how often do you find yourself struggling to be creative or tap into your intuition when you’re feeling under the pressure of the productivity trap? There’s no space for creative insight and intuitive nudges when you are weighed down with tasks and obligations. You’ll often find you feel stuck in the same patterns, unable to see new possibilities or solutions, so busy doing that you forget to be.

And let’s be honest with ourselves here. What is the first thing you cut from your schedule when you think you need to be working harder or doing more in your life? Taking care of yourself, engaging with life in ways that refuel or recharge your energy stores. And here is where the downward spiral continues to descend because you’re setting yourself up to fall short of your potential and your goals.

When you feel like you’re not doing enough there will always be a persistent sense of inadequacy that lingers. This is from a deep rooted belief that your worth is tied to your productivity. Quite often if you experienced feeling unseen or unworthy unless you were excelling you will have internalized the idea that you need to constantly be proving your value by doing more, achieving more, and being more. Your schedule will be jam packed and the satisfaction you crave will continue to be out of reach.

There is no amount of work that will fix feelings of inadequacy no matter how much you accomplish as long as your worth is tied to something outside of you.

Mental physical and emotional exhaustion are closely linked when you’re constantly trying to prove your worth. This will fuel stress and anxiety in your life that you try to resolve by staying busy, doing more, trying to achieve more, trying to avoid falling short. When your drive leaves you drained, you’ll be unable to truly rest and recharge.

When you do try to rest, guilt will creep in and you’ll feel like you’re being selfish, wasting time, or being lazy. This stems from thinking that rest is a luxury you can’t afford. Your ability to enjoy any downtime will disappear as you find yourself thinking you need to get back to work doing something productive.

Setting boundaries with your time, limiting how much you take on, or saying no when things are too much will add to your overwhelm here. When you’ve learned that you can avoid the pain or embarrassment of failing by taking on more you’ll be unable to prioritize your own needs or protect your energy.

Then when you do achieve something significant you’ll struggle to enjoy it. You’ll be focused on what else haven’t you completed yet instead of the amazing thing you just finished. Your high standards, and the belief you need to be flawless result in constantly chasing unattainable ideals that rob you of joy and fulfillment in the things that you do.

As you look around at your peers or the people around you, you’ll compare your achievements and experiences with theirs, believing you’re not enough as you are, or that you need to measure up to others’ standards or successes. This constant comparison will keep you stuck in the I need to do more cycle, rather than allowing you to recognize and celebrate your unique path. These patterns and beliefs aren’t fixed and you can take steps to get out of the productivity trap.

Deep down you probably already know that this relentless drive is wearing you down, and maybe you’ve already experienced illnesses or chronic disease as a result. It’s time to escape the productivity trap so you can start enjoying your life. 

To do this you need to start recognizing that your value isn’t determined by how much you accomplish.

When I had my first child there was this moment where I finally got it. The worth of this kid had nothing to do with what he did because he hadn’t done anything except be born. It all kind of clicked that if that was true for my kid, that maybe it could be true for me too.

Believing this about yourself won’t happen with the snap of a finger, but the more you make an effort to recognize that your value isn’t determined by how much you accomplish, you can begin to start embracing who you are rather than what you do.

Rest isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity. Over the years you’ve probably made a habit of filling your schedule with all your obligations and to-dos before even thinking about what you need. One of my mentors, Brooke Castillo, is an advocate for putting your personal items on your calendar first, before you even start to plan and schedule other things. This habit will help you place priority on your needs as well as help you practice showing up for you the way you would your boss, or your dentist.

By setting an intention that includes showing up for yourself, rest, and relaxation you give yourself permission to honor your needs for downtime, in turn allowing you to show up in your life and work with renewed energy.

This practice also supports you in setting and holding boundaries that help you avoid feeling overwhelmed, drained, or resentful about all the demands of others that keep coming your way. When the time you have set aside for yourself is set and you decide it is worth protecting, you get to do things for others with the time remaining, and that is enough.

When you’re finding yourself focused on what more you need to do, you may benefit from giving yourself the same grace you extend to others around the level of perfection you demand. When you shift your focus from perfection to progress, you’ll find it easier to celebrate your wins and express gratitude for your path, not just in the end result.

And if you have the habit of kicking yourself for every time you’ve failed, exchange this with the concept of failing forward. When you frame every time your end result wasn’t exactly what you wanted as an opportunity to learn, grow, and get better it is no longer a failure. You no longer come up short when you’re learning and growing as a person.

All of these small shifts build a framework that values presence over productivity, allowing you the opportunity to enjoy the moments of your life instead of rushing through them. When you focus on prioritizing your needs, you can restore balance in your life, nourishing your mind and body, and creating a schedule that supports and sustains you instead of draining you.

If you’re ready to escape the productivity trap and start living a life that aligns with your true values, I invite you to join me inside the Crystal Self Healer member’s portal. Together, we’ll dive deeper into these shifts using crystal healing and practical tools like the Charmed Morning Ritual Worksheet to support you every step of the way.

It’s time for you to prioritize your wellbeing and start enjoying your life. There is a link in the show notes where you can download the worksheet for free and get started on your own, as well as a link for you to book a call with me to learn more about how the personalized coaching you get inside the member’s portal can help you shift those beliefs so you can step into your true potential.

You can also join me inside the Charmed Community on Facebook and get access to the weekly Crystal and Tarot Forecasts. Come join our community and begin your journey to true self-empowerment and healing.

Because the constant pressure to do more and be more has created a cycle of anxiety, self doubt, and perfectionism, you may find it incredibly difficult to prioritize rest and self care without feeling guilty or unworthy.

This makes Lepidolite a powerful crystal for you to work with as you break from the productivity trap.

Lepidolite has natural mood- stabilizing properties and soothes the nervous system, which can help calm racing thoughts and worries that arise when you consider shifting your focus.

The more you work with Lepidolite, the easier you will find releasing limiting beliefs that are on auto repeat in your mind. Lepidolite helps you create space for new empowering beliefs to take root so you can see that your value isn’t defined by your productivity, but by who you are and how you show up for yourself.

Lepidolite helps you face the deeper emotions that you have been avoiding by staying constantly busy. These emotions won’t disappear on their own, but Lepidolite creates a safe and nurturing environment that helps you process and release these emotions in a healthy way.

Because Lepidolite helps soothe your frayed emotional edges, it can be helpful when you’re embracing a new way of being.

Incorporating Lepidolite with the work you do using the Charmed Morning Ritual Worksheet or inside the Crystal Self Healer member’s portal will support you in breaking the cycles that are keeping you stuck.

By helping you to release old patterns and providing the emotional support you need you’ll be well on your way to escaping the productivity trap so you can start to enjoy your life.

Today’s episode has been brought to you by Lepidolite and worthiness.  May we all honor our worth, let go of the need for constant productivity, and step into a life of balance, ease, and joy. Blessed be, my friends.

All right, my friends, that wraps up this week’s episode. Thank you for joining me here today on the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, leave a review, and take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz linked in the show notes. Join me again next week as we continue to demystify crystals, how your brain works, and how you can use them so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day.