Ep #57: Crystal Alchemy

by Corissa Weaver | Crystal Self Healer Podcast

Feeling powerless to make meaningful changes in your life? In this episode, we’re cutting through the illusion of external control and showing you how to reclaim your power with crystal alchemy.


You make countless small decisions every day—most without even thinking about them. But when you want to make a real change, it suddenly feels impossible, like your problems are bigger than you. That feeling of powerlessness isn’t the truth—it’s a pattern, and it can be broken.


Societal narratives can reinforce feelings of scarcity and dependence on external authority, keeping you trapped in cycles of stress and inaction. We’ll discuss the internal forces you can tap into to so you can stop waiting for permission to live your life with ease and alignment.




🔮 What crystal alchemy is and how to use it to reclaim personal power

🔮 How personal agency is fundamental to creating meaningful change

🔮 An easy 3-step framework designed to align your actions with your desires

🔮 A simple ritual to tap into your personal crystal alchemy


It’s time to stop letting the outside world dictate your emotions.


Tune in now and reclaim your true power.





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Want to take this work deeper and apply it to your life?  Inside the Crystal Self Healer Members Portal, you’ll discover how to relax your body, mind, and spirit through crystal healing, while learning to set healthy boundaries, build unshakable self-belief, and heal the wounds from past hurts. Click the link to learn more and enroll today, and take the next step toward lasting emotional freedom: https://www.threecharmedgems.com/crystal-self-healer-members-portal/


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Episode #57 – Crystal Alchemy

Welcome to the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. I’m Corissa Weaver. On this podcast, we blend the magic of crystals with the science of psychology to help you break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day. Get ready to unlock your intuition and restore your true power as we cover how you can transform your life using crystals and self awareness.

Are you ready to get started? All right, let’s go.

Every day you make little decisions that you forget about, not noticing how they play into the bigger picture.

Then when you want to make a change, you feel like your problems or circumstances are bigger than you.

Over time, when you think you are powerless, you begrudgingly decide to give up, convinced you have no other option but to concede.

If this is your experience, to continually find yourself feeling like you don’t have the power to make meaningful change in your life, this episode is for you. We’re going to cover how you can tap into your own personal crystal alchemy so you can reclaim your power and take back control in your life.

The card inspiration for this episode is the Magician from a recent Crystal and Tarot forecast inside the Charmed Community.

I love the juxtaposition of this card on this topic because as a major Arcana card, it is inherent that the power or influence is coming from an external source.

But in reality, the card is a beacon of personal power and recognition that you have the power available to you, all the tools and elements you need for alchemy.

For the personal transformation you desperately want to see happen in your life.

So let’s look at the card and how it is delivering this message.

Centered on this card is a single individual one hand raised, pointing above, the other pointing down. Off the bat, this is symbolic of the as above, so below expression, in that we aren’t necessarily separate from the divine realm, and that what we do here in the material realm is also reflected in the spiritual realm as well.

Next, we look at the table laden with each of the suits of the Minor Arcana Cards. The Wand to create change, the Pentacle to provide resources, the Cup for emotional mastery, and the Sword for clear, logical thinking. Each tool you need is available and in front of you on this table, akin to the silver platter..

And while this isn’t a fully exhaustive look at the imagery on the card, I want to bring your attention to the infinity symbol above the head of the individual on the card. This infinity symbol is denoting that whatever it is that you need, it is infinite.

So if this is the reality, the question now becomes, how do you reclaim this personal power?

So let’s start by acknowledging that we are surrounded by the narrative that things in this world are finite, that there isn’t more, that the resources are scarce.

However, for many within Western culture, we live in and experience the paradox of mass consumption.

Let’s face it, we live in a society that has deferred authority to the patriarchally influenced hierarchical structure.

For this reason, it’s become natural for many to feel like they need to wait for power to be granted to them by an outside authority or power.

We see this dynamic inside the jobs we hold, powerless to make changes and thereby trapped in a cycle of stress.

We see this within families with the expectations and generational conditioning that tells you who you should be and what you should believe to be true.

We see this in our politics and societal structure, where if you don’t have consensus or agreement of those around you, that your opinion or your position is not valid, your voice is not heard.

And within toxic personal relationships, where others dictate how you should feel and how you should think about yourself.

Each of these scenarios can feel impossible to change. They can feel like you have no choice.

And this belief sets your nervous system into a fight or flight reaction, spiking your cortisol stress levels, clouding your thinking, and leaving you feeling energetically drained.

This is the moment where you’ll know you want more or something different, but not believe that it’s possible for you. Where the fear of stepping into something more aligned, something more powerful, is blocking you from accessing your personal power.

So first, let’s look at what crystal alchemy is. It’s the process of using crystal energy to shift your vibration and support you as you rewire your subconscious patterns.

These rewired neural pathways then allow you to reclaim your personal sense of power, autonomy, and agency.

One of the ways I see so many of my clients feel stuck is when it comes to their personal agency.

So much of what we see modeled around us is people creating rules for other people to follow in order for us to feel safe and powerful.

This is a learning curve when establishing boundaries, in that most times you start creating boundaries that are about what you want someone else to stop doing for your comfort.

For example, you have this person in your life who is always unloading their troubles and hardships to you, and you’re feeling drained as a result. You want to be supportive and helpful, but also don’t want to let your friend down or to see them suffering.

What many people do is tell the other person what they need to do differently to fix the situation.

Personal agency is about taking intentional action and making choices that shape your life, not someone else’s.

It’s about deciding how you want to respond to people, energy, expectations, and challenges, rather than feeling at the mercy of them. When you know you have influence over your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you no longer feel like you are solely controlled by external forces.

So before we get too far here, reclaiming your power isn’t necessarily about changing external circumstances or the things outside of you, but more about knowing you can take steps of your own, for you, that level the playing field.

If we take this back to our example, the personal agency resides in making the choice to protect your well being without waiting for the other person to change their behavior.

It would be in you choosing to limit when and how often you listen to their hardships, doing any number of interventions, including not answering the phone, not responding immediately to texts, or offering other times when talking about their problems would be agreeable to you.

These things that are keeping you from feeling empowered don’t need to take up space in your brain rent free.

You have every opportunity to choose differently and not fall into the pattern of feeling powerless, especially when you follow the three steps I teach my clients that will support you in realigning and reclaiming your power.

Awareness is that noticing of when and where you feel disempowered.

The ownership that you have made choices that have brought you to where you are today.

And the realization that you can decide to make different choices starting today.

Intention is the opening of the gate that you were wanting to create change, do something different, and own your power.

Aligned action is making different decisions, ones that are more aligned with the desired outcomes you want. Ones that help you feel more powerful and in control.

That’s it. That’s all you need. They’re simple and straightforward.

Yet so many people can’t or won’t do them because there’s something that creeps up to make them feel stuck or throws them off track.

Unraveling the hold these things have is the work my clients do inside the Crystal Self Healer Members Portal. If you want to start today, it would be helpful for you to go back and listen to episode 52 where we talk about sufficiency, if you haven’t already listened to that episode.

For the work of reclaiming your power, I want to offer Labradorite as a supportive crystal, and here’s why.

Labradorite has the ability to heighten your awareness of synchronicities, which will help you notice the moments where you do have power, even in situations where you feel like they are out of your control.

By revealing unseen connections and serendipitous moments, Labradorite will help shift your perception, making it easier to break free from limiting beliefs and unserving patterns.

Labradorite has the ability to reveal hidden paths and divine timing, which nods to the As Above, So Below message in the Magician card. When you’re able to recognize synchronicities, it can affirm you are in alignment with your path and that personal power is always available, helping you feel less stuck.

Labradorite also enhances intuition, which will help you trust your inner guidance, recognize signs and nudges from the universe, and then take the aligned action you want to take with confidence and courage.

So here’s a simple ritual you can do to tap into your personal crystal alchemy so you can feel more rooted in your power.

You’ll need your Labradorite, a quiet space and a few minutes of uninterrupted time.

Start by sitting comfortably and taking some deep breaths.

Hold your Labradorite in your dominant hand and notice how it feels, the weight, the texture, and the temperature.

Bring your dominant hand with your crystal up to your heart chakra, and your non dominant hand to your solar plexus chakra, just below your ribcage.

Repeat to yourself, either silently or out loud, “I call back all my power, releasing all that is not mine.”

Stay here for a few minutes, breathing deeply, feeling your mind quiet and your body settle and ground into this moment.

Allow your sense of empowerment to build and grow, filling your body and extending outside of you into your aura.

After a few minutes, or when you feel centered in your personal power, place your Labradorite in your pocket or wear it for the rest of the day to remind you of who you are.

Today’s pairing of the Magician with Labradorite is from a recent Crystal and Tarot forecast inside the Charmed community.

I invite you to join me in this free space where I share these readings weekly to help you align your energy and focus your week. You’ll also connect with others who are exploring their growth and creating change in their lives, just like you.

Join us for free, the link is in the show notes.

If you want to have more personalized support as you do this work and dive deeper into your own growth and healing, I’d love to have you join me inside the Crystal Self Healer Members Portal.

It’s where we go beyond the weekly guidance and focus on equipping you with the tools, resources, and support to build your confidence in crystal healing and emotional self care. Inside, you’ll find personalized coaching, healing sessions, and everything you need to truly empower yourself to live with more ease and alignment.

Visit www.threecharmedgems.com or go to the link in the show notes to learn more and join me.

This is your moment to reclaim your power and experience the magic of crystal alchemy in your life.

Today’s episode has been brought to you by The Magician, Labradorite, and Personal Agency. May we all embrace the autonomy we hold so we can exercise it to live life in alignment. Blessed be, my friends.

All right, my friends, that wraps up this week’s episode. Thank you for joining me here today on the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, leave a review, and take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz linked in the show notes. Join me again next week as we continue to demystify crystals, how your brain works, and how you can use them so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day.