Are you happy that the warmer weather has arrived? Warm weather for me is a bitter sweet time. I really enjoy being able to not layer up for warmth, but I really don’t like the mosquito bites.
DH loves when I am outside with him. I happen to be one of those people who attracts mosquitos and if I’m around they will be biting me, not you.
I was just sitting on the couch, enjoying peace and quiet with the dog, when I started to hear that familiar tell tale noise of a buzzing mosquito. How did that thing get into the house!?
Last summer I attempted to make a Homemade Essential Oil Bug Spray, but I didn’t succeed.
First, I used the wrong equipment to make the mix. Don’t use a plastic deli container to mix your oils!
Second, I didn’t have a spray bottle so I just tried to slather the watery mix on like lotion. Can we say fail?
Anyway, this year I treated myself to some 2 oz blue glass fine mist bottles [amazon asin=B0070AEAWM&template=add to cart]and there will be no excuses! And now the mosquitos seem to have found their way inside, I guess I better do it.
There are a lot of different recipes out there for bug sprays using Essential Oils. I chose to use the Young Living Lavender and Purification.
The Homemade Essential Oil Bug Spray recipe I used for a 2 oz fine mist spray bottle is:
30 drops Young Living Lavender Essential Oil
30 Drops Young Living Purification Essential Oil Blend
Fill rest of bottle with Alcohol Free Witch Hazel[amazon asin=B001E0R22Y&template=add to cart]
Shake before spraying on exposed skin, enjoy bug free outdoor time. This recipe works great on my kids!