Unlock Your Healing Power with the Crystal Self Healer Members Portal

Does this sound familiar?

You feel overwhelmed by your emotions, often taking on the energy of others without realizing it.

You struggle with anxiety, self-doubt, or feelings of not being “good enough,” no matter how hard you try to manage it.

You’re constantly giving to others, yet you never seem to make time for your own emotional healing.

You sense that crystals could support your healing, but you’re unsure how to use them effectively.

You know deep down that you’re capable of healing, but you need the right tools and guidance to access that power.

If so, you’re in the right place!

It’s Time to Stop Just Surviving and Start Thriving


🌟 The Crystal Self Healer Members Portal is a sacred space designed just for women like you—empaths, sensitives, and healers who need support managing their heightened emotions and developing the tools to empower themselves, without always relying on external help.

🌟 Inside, you’ll find the support that nurtures your sensitive nature while helping you build resilience. You’ll learn to trust your intuition, clear energetic clutter, and become a master of your emotions.

Why Now?

If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to take control of your emotional and energetic, this is it.  There’s no need to keep masking your struggles, holding on to patterns that no longer serve you, or feeling lost in a sea of emotions.

The Crystal Self Healer Members Portal will empower you to create lasting change.

Join Us Today and Experience:

✨ Support that understands the unique struggle of empaths and sensitives.

✨ Healing tools that you can access on your schedule, at your own pace.

✨ The confidence to work through emotional clutter and create lasting emotional peace.

✨ The ability to finally prioritize your own needs.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery? Join our supportive community of women who are committed to growth, empowerment, and emotional well-being. Enroll in Balancing Chakras and Healing Emotional Trauma today and receive:

🌟 Monthly Collective Crystal Healing sessions.

🌟 Guided meditations and self-paced workbooks for the places you want to create lasting change – boundaries, emotional and mental peace, rewriting negative thoughts, and more!

🌟 Access to all courses and trainings.

🌟 Bonus resources, including crystal guides, affirmations, and self-care rituals to amplify your healing journey.

🌟 Lifetime access to all calls and guided meditations.

Who is this membership for?

This membership is for empathic and sensitive women who are ready to take charge of their healing journey, using crystals and mindset techniques to empower themselves emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

What if I'm new to Crystal Healing?

That’s completely fine! Whether you’re just starting out or have been working with crystals for years, the members portal is designed to guide you through the process and help you feel confident in your abilities.

You get access to the Crystal Self Healer self-paced course that helps you learn everything you need!

What if I can't attend live healing or coaching sessions?

No worries! All sessions are recorded and available inside the portal, so you can watch them whenever works best for you.

What if I need financial assistance?

No problem!  Don’t let money stand between you and the healing you crave.  Simply schedule a call with me and we can find the solution that is right for you.

Ready to transform your emotions and take control of your energetic health?  Join today and start your healing journey with the support of personalized coaching that gets you, and the tools that will guide you every step of the way.

Don’t let another day go by feeling weighed down by emotional burdens and unhealed trauma. Your well-being is priceless, and you deserve to live a life filled with love, joy, and authentic self-expression. Join us inside the Crystal Self Healer Members Portal and embrace the transformation you’ve been longing for.

Need support or have more questions?


Still have questions or need support in deciding if the Crystal Self Healer Members Portal is for you?  No problem!  Book a complimentary Discovery Call and let’s get you the answers you need so you can make a decision.