by | Jun 2, 2014 | Life
Truth be told I watch too much tv. There’s something about background noise from the tv that I find comforting. Wait, tv shows that I choose, not just any tv. The downfall to this is when I get sucked into a new show because it is so good that I can’t let...
by | May 28, 2014 | Life
I’ve been taking great solace from my recent dive into learning meditation. A quiet and peaceful mind is not what I typically carry on my shoulders. We all constantly feel like we’ve forgotten something, that we don’t have enough time to do what...
by | May 23, 2014 | Life
Today is Thing 1’s birthday. Sort of fitting that today also be the start of Three Charmed Gems blog since Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3 will be gracing future posts. I’m a stay at home Mom of three kids, retiring from the work world when Thing 1 was born. My house is...