Truth be told I watch too much tv. There’s something about background noise from the tv that I find comforting. Wait, tv shows that I choose, not just any tv.
The downfall to this is when I get sucked into a new show because it is so good that I can’t let it just be background noise. It becomes my world and the binge watching begins.
Enter, Orange is the new Black on Netflix.
The other night DH and I just finished watching the first season which has an ending that, let’s just say, leaves you wanting to watch the next episode.
This morning, he says, “You know…..” I’m not going to spoil it for those of you who respect the suspense.
But, really? You have to tell me all the speculation that you stayed up late reading? Don’t tell me! I don’t want to know. I can wait until the next season starts. Besides, the new season starts on June 6, 2014.