by | Nov 21, 2016 | Jewelry
Let’s Talk About Intention Intention is the thing you plan to do or achieve. Your aim or purpose (Merriam Webster). In The Universe Has Your Back, Gabby Bernstein discusses the concept “Energy flows where intention goes”. It nicely captures the premise that if you...
by | Jan 4, 2016 | Life
With the new year upon us, it’s a perfect time to sit back and reflect on what we want to create for the upcoming year. We are all familiar with making New Year’s Resolutions so why not invest some time in a 2016 vision board? Last June I travelled to...
by | Nov 11, 2015 | Beautycounter
One thing I have noticed as I put myself out there more with the markets for Three Charmed Gems is that I could use a more polished presence. It’s not overly professional to be the face of Three Charmed Gems in leggings and a pony tail! Enter Beautycounter. My...
by | Jul 26, 2015 | Jewelry
Yesterday was a big day for Three Charmed Gems. We packed up our products and pitched a tent for our very first farmers market display. I’ll be honest, my stomach was in knots with all my nerves. I grew up helping my parents and their business at local festivals...
by | Apr 16, 2015 | Jewelry
A while back I purchase a few meters of Gemstone Beaded Chain. It has been sitting in my drawer just waiting to be used. Calling to me when I’m at my desk. Hey, remember me? I’m over here, Gemstone Beaded Chain. I’m not quiet sure why I have...