Ep #56: Push Past the Breaking Point With Moonstone
What happens when you face unexpected costs of pursuing your dreams? Many times we overlook the true costs to get there and struggle when we think the price is too high. In this episode we’re exploring how to push past the breaking point with moonstone.
We’ll look at the duality you face on the journey toward your dreams: fear versus wisdom, discomfort versus growth, and the light that comes only after navigating the shadows. We’ll discuss awareness around self-sabotaging behaviors, reframing the costs, and how knowing your why helps you stay focused.
⭐ Why achieving your dreams comes with real costs—and how to decide if they’re worth it.
⭐ What a crisis of faith looks like and how it can make you question everything.
⭐ The role of the Moon Tarot card in helping you face the duality of discomfort and growth.
⭐ How to connect with your why to push through the hardest parts of your journey.
⭐ The difference between seeing sacrifices as losses versus as investments in your transformation.
⭐ A practical ritual with Moonstone to release fears, doubts, and self-sabotaging thoughts.
To help you release the barriers holding you back, I’ll guide you through a simple burning ritual designed to clear doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs so you can recommit to your dreams.
Listen now so you can face the costs of your dreams head on and make amazing things happen in your life.
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Episode #56 – Push Past the Breaking Point With Moonstone
Welcome to the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. I’m Corissa Weaver. On this podcast, we blend the magic of crystals with the science of psychology to help you break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day. Get ready to unlock your intuition and restore your true power as we cover how you can transform your life using crystals and self awareness.
Are you ready to get started? All right, let’s go.
Nothing in life is free. There is a cost to everything.
Sometimes it’s monetary. Sometimes it’s physical. Sometimes it’s emotional.
Changing habits can feel hard. Reaching your goals can test you at every turn.
After a while, the effort you need to put in can feel tedious, especially if you’re not feeling like the results are happening. Or if you’ve lost sight of what you’re working toward.
If you’ve ever found yourself having this crisis of faith, wanting to give up, because the cost to get there seems to insurmountable, this episode is for you. We’re going to look at how you can push past the breaking point with moonstone.
By the end of this episode, you’ll know how to recognize your crisis of faith, reframe the costs and reconnect with your dreams in a way that feels achievable and inspiring.
In the Charmed Community, weekly crystal and tarot forecast, the moon card showed up in the what to call in placement. With this card, in this placement, you’re being invited to dive deep into the push pull and do reality. You experience around achieving your goals.
Duality is a natural part of the journey. Much like the lobster is half-in, half-out of the water on this card, you will often find yourself in those in-between spaces torn between staying safe and stepping into the reality of your dreams.
The two dogs, one appearing, feral, the other appearing domesticated represent the pull between your instinctual fear and your higher wisdom.
While the moon’s reflection in the sun nods to the understanding that navigating the shadows is what brings around the clarity and light you seek.
Let’s say you want to get fit, tone your muscles. If you choose the going to the gym route, there’s the monetary cost. But there’s still the physical cost as well. All those nights when your body aches, because you’ve worked your muscles in ways that changes them. If you haven’t considered that these moments of physical discomfort are part of the experience you may end up throwing in the towel before you ever achieve your goals.
Maybe you sabotage your efforts in going to the gym by not going, or you lower your weights so you don’t have to feel the ache in your muscles.
This is where the duality of the moon card comes into play. The discomfort you’re feeling is both a challenge and an opportunity. Two sides of the same coin.
The question is whether you’ll let the fear of that discomfort hold you back or allow it to guide you toward growth. And the moon card reminds you that your fears and doubts can cloud your vision.
It’s easy to focus on the discomfort and lose sight of the bigger picture.
It’s human nature and a function of our brain to avoid hardship, to seek the easy way out and to conserve energy in order to survive.
So is it any wonder that when the doing gets tough, you throw in the towel and quit?
This is all part of the hero’s journey, where they have to overcome the dark night of the soul, dig deep into their resilience and grow as a result.
The hero’s journey is a universal story arc where the main character sets out to achieve something significant, faces overwhelming obstacles, and experiences a transformative moment of growth.
The dark night of the soul is the pivotal point in this journey. The place where doubt and struggle are at their peak and the hero must decide whether to give up or push forward.
When I think about how this part of the journey is portrayed in movies and TV, while we cognitively understand the cost the main character is enduring, we don’t always attach this to the experience we have in real life.
We gloss over the cost when starting out and then when we experienced them, we’re all like I’m out. It’s too hard.
This is the crisis of faith. When you question whether the price you’re paying is worth the outcome you were working toward.
It will never happen if you stop believing in yourself.
And it will never happen if you haven’t decided that it’s worth doing what has to be done to make it happen.
Just like in the hero’s journey, this is the turning point, the breaking point. It’s where you have the opportunity to redefine your relationship to those costs and claim your transformation.
If you’re not willing to put in the effort, it will be really tempting to give up.
This usually happens when you haven’t considered the costs to get something against the value you perceive the end result will bring you.
Or when you’re unclear on the real value of what you’re striving for. Meaning that it’s common to not have a realistic expectation of the value something will have for you when you get it.
Let’s go back to the gym example from earlier.
You might have this expectation that by showing up and going through the motions will quickly transform your body. But the reality is these kinds of results come slowly, requiring consistency and focused effort over time.
When the value like improved fitness or self-confidence takes longer to appear, it’s easy to feel like the cost outweighs the reward, especially on days when your muscles are aching and it hurts to move.
This is where understanding your why becomes crucial.
This idea of knowing your why is something I first learned from Simon Sinek.
Why are you pursuing this goal?
Is it about feeling stronger, healthier, or more confident?
When you have a clear and deeply personal reason for what you’re working toward, it’s easier to navigate the moments of doubt and discomfort that arise along the way.
We like to focus so much on the destination that we overlook the journey itself, expecting that the end result will flip this magical switch and that’s when and where all the glory is.
Instead, it’s seeing the journey as the value we accrue along the way, all the lessons, all the growth as being the value we extract.
Again, using the gym example, this means learning to appreciate the process. The discipline you’re building, the strength you’re gaining, and the resilience you’re developing as you show up day after day.
These are the things that transform you long after you reach your physical goal.
Commitment to the end goal can waiver too when you lack belief in the value of what you’re working toward.
Knowing your why strengthens that belief. It’s the anchor that reminds you of the bigger picture when the costs feel overwhelming.
For example, going to the gym might feel tedious in the moment, but if your why is to feel empowered in your body or improve your long-term health, that purpose can reignite your commitment.
Here are some questions you can ask yourself:
What would it mean to have this end result?
Then what are you willing to invest to get there?
How much blood, sweat, and tears are you willing to give to get that end result?
What do you believe the cost of your dream is, and is it truly insurmountable?
And most importantly, why does this dream matter to you?
Your why is what gives the cost meaning, turning it from a sacrifice into an investment in yourself.
The crystal I’m going to offer to support you through this work is moonstone,
and here’s why.
Moonstone helps you sit in the discomfort of your doubts without letting them consume you. It encourages introspection, helping you reconnect with your purpose and see beyond the immediate struggle.
Moonstone helps you slow down and reflect on the moments when the price of progress feels too steep. It gives you clarity to evaluate and connect to your inner wisdom to make decisions rooted in your values, not just in fear or discomfort.
When you feel pulled between wanting the reward and resisting the effort, Moonstone helps you accept that both can exist at the same time. It supports you in holding space for the discomfort while still moving toward the growth and transformation that your dream promises.
At the heart of this work is understanding that the cost of your dream is part of the transformation. Moonstone helps you see the process differently. That you are someone capable of achieving your goals. Moonstone helps you align your efforts with the deeper meaning behind your dream, turning the cost into something purposeful.
So here’s a little ritual you can do to burn the barriers to your dreams.
You’ll need a fire safe bowl or Cauldron, matches, strips of paper, a pen, a white candle, and your Moonstone.
Light the candle and either having the Moonstone in front of you or in your hand, take a few deep breaths and focus on relaxing into this moment.
Visualize what you deeply desire and allow your mind to offer you all the thoughts and behaviors that are presenting themselves as barriers to your dreams.
Write down these answers on the strips of paper, be specific about the fears, doubts, or beliefs and how they are tied to the costs of achieving your dream.
Once you’ve written them all down, take one strip of paper at a time, acknowledge the truth of the fear or belief and honor its role in trying to protect you.
Then take one strip of paper at a time, light the paper on fire and drop it into the fire safe bull or cauldron. You can repeat something like “I release this fear. I free myself to follow through on my dreams.” as you watch these strips of paper burn.
Next spend some time journaling, exploring what your dreams mean to you, and how this can be reframed as an investment into your future.
When finished, be sure to blow out the candle and discard the ashes.
For those of you who are already inside the Crystal Self Healer member’s portal, there are a series of journaling prompts you can use to take this work deeper.
Today’s pairing of the Moon with Moonstone is from a recent crystal and tarot forecast inside the Charmed Community. I invite you to join me in this free space where I share these readings weekly to help you align your energy and focus your week. You’ll also connect with others who are exploring their growth and creating change in their lives, just like you.
Join us for free, the link is in the show notes.
If you want to have more personalized support as you do this work and dive deeper into your own growth and healing, I’d love to have you join me in the Crystal Self Healer member’s portal.
It’s where we go beyond the weekly guidance and focus on equipping you with tools, resources, and support to build your confidence in crystal healing and emotional self care. Inside you’ll find personalized coaching, healing sessions and everything you need to truly empower yourself to live with more ease and alignment.
Visit www.threecharmedgems.com or click the link in the show notes to learn more and join me.
This is your moment to recommit to your dream and prove to yourself that you’re capable of overcoming the costs.
Today’s episode has been brought to you by the Moon, Moonstone and knowing your why. May we all be so clear on why we’re chasing our dreams that no cost feels too great to overcome. Blessed be, my friends.
All right, my friends, that wraps up this week’s episode. Thank you for joining me here today on the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, leave a review, and take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz linked in the show notes. Join me again next week as we continue to demystify crystals, how your brain works, and how you can use them so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day.