Ep #41: Reset Your Energy With Selenite

by Corissa Weaver | Crystal Self Healer Podcast

People who feel balanced and clear aren’t immune to stress or fatigue, but they know how to manage it by regularly tending to their energy. If you want to experience more calm, clarity, and emotional control in your life, it’s essential to make energy clearing a part of your routine. In this episode, we’ll explore how to reset your energy with selenite so you can restore your inner balance and show up more fully in your day-to-day life.


Discover how to use Selenite to clear stagnant energy, release attachments that drain you, and maintain clarity in your daily life. It takes intention and awareness to protect your energy, and this episode shows you how to reset it with simple, powerful techniques.


What You Will Discover:


🔮 Why energetic hygiene is crucial for emotional balance

🔮 How to recognize when you’re carrying energy that’s not yours

🔮 The power of Selenite to clear and restore your energy field

🔮 A simple step-by-step guide to sweeping your energy body with Selenite

🔮 The importance of regularly releasing energetic attachments


If you’re ready to release what no longer serves you, tune in and learn how to make energy hygiene a consistent part of your life.




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Want to take this work deeper and apply it to your life?  Inside the Crystal Self Healer Members Portal, you’ll discover how to relax your body, mind, and spirit through crystal healing, while learning to set healthy boundaries, build unshakable self-belief, and heal the wounds from past hurts. Click the link to learn more and enroll today, and take the next step toward lasting emotional freedom: https://www.threecharmedgems.com/crystal-self-healer-members-portal/


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Episode #41 – Reset Your Energy with Selenite

Welcome to the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. I’m Corissa Weaver. On this podcast, we blend the magic of crystals with the science of psychology to help you break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day. Get ready to unlock your intuition and restore your true power as we cover how you can transform your life using crystals and self awareness.

Are you ready to get started? All right, let’s go.

Have you ever just felt off like you’re tired even though you slept well. Or you’re feeling heavy and weighed down for no clear reason.

It’s not uncommon to carry energy, emotions or feelings that aren’t yours. When you naturally tune into the emotions and energy of others, it’s easy to blur the lines between what belongs to you and what you’ve absorbed.

If you’ve ever wondered how to lighten that emotional and energetic load, this episode is for you. We’re going to explore how to reset your energy using Selenite so you can feel lighter, clearer, and more in control of what you’re carrying.

Throughout daily life, you encounter a mix of energies from other people and environments, leading to a buildup of emotional and energetic clutter. This can happen in crowded spaces, during intense conversations, or even through media consumption. The emotional weight of others can easily become tangled with your own leaving you feeling drained or off balance.

The concept of resetting your energy draws from various traditions and practices that recognize the importance of maintaining clear and vibrant energy. Just like physical hygiene is essential for health, energetic hygiene is essential for your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Cleansing practices can help create space for a sense of clarity and grounding, helping you reconnect with your true self and to restore balance. These practices can vary widely from rituals involving crystals and herbs, to mindfulness techniques and meditation.

At its core, the need for energetic cleansing arises from the everyday blending of energies and emotions. When you interact with others, your energies naturally mix, and it’s easy to absorb or take on their emotions and feelings. Over time, this can create a sense of confusion about what emotions are genuinely yours and those that belong to someone else. Consequently, if you neglect to clear your energy, you may experience prolonged fatigue, irritability, and emotional instability.

Energetic cleansing isn’t just about releasing negative energies; it’s also about making room for positive energy to flow. When you let go of what no longer serves you, you open yourself up to new experiences, insights, and connections. Regular cleansing can boost your emotional resilience and help you stay connected to your true needs and desires, fostering a healthier, more balanced state of being.

So, how can you tell if your struggles are tied to energy hygiene? It often starts with a sense of heaviness or emotional exhaustion. You might find your mood shifting unexpectedly, or feel off without a clear reason. Physical signs may show up too, like unexplained, fatigue, headaches, or tension in your body. If you’re naturally sensitive to energy, these signs can be a clear indication that your personal energy field is carrying more than just your own emotions.

Feeling off is one of the clearest signals that you could benefit from cleansing your energy, helping you release what’s not yours, and restore your emotional and energetic balance. But let’s take a moment to unpack what it means to feel off.

For many of you, living in a way that prioritizes others’ needs over your own can make it hard to recognize when you’re holding onto someone else’s energy. You might notice a background feeling of anxiety or a constant sense of waiting for the other shoe to drop, yet not connect it to the emotional energy of those around you.

Your natural desire to support and help others often leads you to unknowingly take on their emotional weight. Over time, this becomes so routine that it’s easy to miss when you’ve taken on too much. It becomes your new normal.

However, once you start to focus on clearing and resetting your energy, you’ll start to notice patterns. You’ll become more attuned to the subtle shifts in your energy, and with practice, it will become easier to identify when something outside of you is influencing your mood, emotions, or even your physical state.

Energy hygiene is the practice of clearing out stagnant, unwanted, or absorbed energies from your personal field. It can take many forms: thought hygiene, physical cleansing, like tidying up your space, smoke cleansing with Sage or Palo Santo or using crystals like Selenite. The goal is to regularly release what no longer serves you, whether it’s emotional baggage, physical clutter, or energetic cords to situations that drain you. When your space is clear and your mind is free from the noise, you’re more in tune with yourself and your intuition.

Maintaining energy hygiene is about more than just the occasional smoke cleansing or decluttering your physical space. It’s about keeping your inner world, your thoughts, emotions, and energy, clean and clear, just like you would your home. You wouldn’t wait for the dust to pile up before you start vacuuming, right? Yet, many of us treat our energy field that way, only paying attention when things start to feel heavy, or overwhelming. The key is to make energy hygiene a regular practice, not just something you turn to in times of stress or crisis.

Energy hygiene also means clearing out your mental space. The mind can be a cluttered place filled with thoughts, worries, and emotions that can cloud your sense of clarity. It’s easy to get caught in loops of overthinking, especially for those sensitive to the world around them. Regular thought hygiene, examining and releasing limiting beliefs and unhelpful thoughts, is crucial to staying balanced. Clearing out this mental clutter allows you to focus on your own energy instead of being weighed down by every thought or feeling that crosses your mind.

A lot of people only cleanse their energy when they’re in a crisis or when they feel the need for a big shift. It’s like only cleaning your home when it’s visibly dirty, rather than maintaining it regularly. When you let things pile up, whether it’s emotional baggage, unresolved feelings or energetic attachments, it becomes that much harder to restore balance. If you make energy hygiene, a consistent part of your life you won’t have to wait until the weight of it all feels unbearable.  You’ll always be in a state of alignment, prepared to handle life’s ups and downs with clarity and strength.

A key part of energy hygiene is learning to distinguish between what energy is yours and what belongs to someone else. Empath in particular often take on others’ emotions and energies without even realizing it. You might walk away from a conversation, feeling anxious or sad, not because of anything happening in your life, but because you’ve picked up on someone else’s energy. Developing the awareness to recognize this is an empowering skill. It’s not about shutting down your sensitivity, but about being more discerning with your boundaries and clearing out energy that isn’t yours.

Holding onto emotional attachments, whether to people, situations, or past experiences can weigh heavily on your energy. Regularly releasing these attachments allows you to free up space for growth, creativity, and peace. This practice can involve rituals like cord cutting or simply making the conscious decision to release old emotional baggage. The more you release the lighter and freer you’ll feel, allowing you to move through life with greater ease and joy.

Energetic cords are connections to people or experiences that may no longer serve you, but continue to drain your energy. Cutting these cords allows you to reclaim your energy and release the hold these connections have on your emotions and wellbeing. Whether you use a tool like Selenite or perform a visualization practice, regularly cutting cords is a crucial part of keeping your energy field clear and centered.

In the metaphysical sense, unplugging means intentionally disconnecting from the source of energy that no longer serves you. Sensitive women often form unseen energetic ties to people or situations that leave them feeling drained and off balance. The act of unplugging is a conscious effort to reclaim your own energy and stop the unconscious leaking of your personal power into these outside forces.

Selenite is an ideal crystal for clearing and cleansing energy. By sweeping a Selenite wand over your body you can remove any stagnant or unwanted energy from your energy field. This practice is quick, simple, and effective. Making it an easy tool to integrate into your daily routine.

To use Selenite for sweeping your energy body start by holding a Selenite wand in your dominant hand and set the intention to clear any negative or stagnant energy. Then, starting at the crown of your head slowly sweep the Selenite, a few inches above your body, moving downward in a continuous motion to your feet. As you move the Selenite, visualize it, absorbing anything that doesn’t belong to you.

Pay attention to areas that feel blocked or tense, like your heart, shoulders or solar plexus. You can also sweep down your arms and legs to ensure your whole energy body is cleared. Once you’ve completed the process and feel lighter, take a moment to express gratitude for the cleansing. This simple, powerful practice will leave you feeling refreshed, lighter and more aligned.

Since we’ve discussed using Selenite to sweep your energy field, I’d like to explain why this particular crystal is a powerful choice.

Selenite is known for its high vibration and ability to cleanse and purify energy fields. It can clear stagnant or negative energy making it an essential tool for your energetic hygiene practice.

Beyond clearing, Selenite is excellent for cutting energetic cords and releasing attachments that no longer serve you. Whether it’s a draining relationship, emotional baggage or a situation that’s holding you back, Selenite helps dissolve those energetic ties, restoring your energy to a more balanced, aligned state.

One of the key benefits of Selenite is its ability to heighten your connection to higher guidance and intuition. It makes it easier to discern what energy is yours versus what you’ve absorbed from others, empowering you to maintain strong energetic boundaries with more ease.

Selenite is also perfect for clearing the energy of your physical space and even your other crystals, keeping you energetically aligned and supported in your ongoing practices.

If you’re feeling like it’s time to reset your energy and you want to start working with Selenite, I’ve got you covered. Head on over to my online store where you can grab a Selenite wand, perfect for clearing out the energy that’s weighing you down. It’s a must have for your energetic hygiene toolkit. Just visit threecharmedgems.com and get yours today. 

For those of you looking to start your day with more clarity and intention. I’ve created something special for you. The Charmed Morning Ritual Worksheet helps you examine your thoughts and set powerful intentions and clear mental clutter. You can download it for free using the link in the show notes so be sure to grab it and make it a part of your morning routine.

And finally for those of you who are looking for more personalized support, I invite you to join me inside the Crystal Self Healers member portal. Here you’ll find group crystal healing sessions, personalized coaching and tons of resources like workbooks and worksheets to help you manage your energy, deepen your healing practice, and establish the boundaries and self-trust you crave. It’s the perfect space to get the guidance and resources you need. Again, go to my website threecharmedgems.com and join today.

Today’s episode has been brought to you by Selenite and sweeping. May we all release what no longer serves us, sweep away the energy that weighs us down, and reset with clarity, peace, and strength in every moment. Blessed be my friends.

All right, my friends, that wraps up this week’s episode. Thank you for joining me here today on the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, leave a review, and take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz linked in the show notes. Join me again next week as we continue to demystify crystals, how your brain works, and how you can use them so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day.