Ep #39: Take Control of Negative Emotions with Black Tourmaline

by Corissa Weaver | Crystal Self Healer Podcast

Negative emotions don’t have to control the way you experience your life. While they are a natural part of being human, there are powerful techniques you can tap into that will help shift your focus and regain control of your emotional state. In this episode we are going to look at how you can take control of negative emotions with Black Tourmaline.


Mastering how to redirect your mind, calm your nervous system, and ground yourself in the present moment is key to breaking free from anxiety-driven thoughts. Instead of letting these emotions rule you, you’ll learn how to master them.


What you’ll learn:


✨ Spot early signs of anxiety and panic so you can catch it before it escalates. We’ll share some of the first subtle signs of rising anxiety so you can act before overwhelm takes over.

✨ Uncover the hidden triggers of negative emotions. Learn how small, unnoticed thoughts can snowball into bigger emotional storms so you can intervene before they become overpowering.

✨ Practical tools for ground yourself in the present moment so you can instantly calm yourself when emotions flare.


Don’t let overwhelm, anxiety, and panic dictate your life with clarity and confidence. Tune in and equip yourself with the tools to take control of your emotional state.


And don’t forget to share your thoughts after listening—I’d love to hear how these insights resonate with you!




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Want to take this work deeper and apply it to your life?  Inside the Crystal Self Healer Members Portal, you’ll discover how to relax your body, mind, and spirit through crystal healing, while learning to set healthy boundaries, build unshakable self-belief, and heal the wounds from past hurts. Click the link to learn more and enroll today, and take the next step toward lasting emotional freedom: https://www.threecharmedgems.com/crystal-self-healer-members-portal/


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Episode #39 – Take Control of Negative Emotions with Black Tourmaline

Welcome to the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. I’m Corissa Weaver. On this podcast, we blend the magic of crystals with the science of psychology to help you break free from chaos, ditch the overwhelm, and master your emotions so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day. Get ready to unlock your intuition and restore your true power as we cover how you can transform your life using crystals and self awareness.

Are you ready to get started? All right, let’s go.

Recently I experienced a situation in my life where I watched a panic attack slow roll into my life. Like watching an accident happen in slow motion.

The circumstance I was facing had me placing so much of my energy spinning around how a conversation might unfold. So much of my thoughts were focused on what might happen, how the other person might respond. And so much of my attention was put on trying to control, prevent, and avoid any or all of the negative that might be possible. But instead of letting it take over, I was able to catch and stop the pattern before it escalated.

For those of you who are still finding yourself overwhelmed by your thoughts, feelings, and actions, this episode will help you take control of negative emotions with black tourmaline. We’ll cover strategies you can use to nip overwhelm, anxiety and panic in the bud before they get out of control.

I wanted to share this experience with you because it could have been way worse. It could have progressed the way other panic attacks have for me in the past, resulting in me temporarily losing my vision and experiencing debilitating ocular migraines. But it didn’t. Like I said, I watched it slow roll in, saw exactly what was happening, and knew what I needed to do.

So let’s set the stage a little over here. I’ve been around this track a few times and have learned a few things along the way. Long gone are my expectations that I will never experience overwhelm, anxiety, or even panic. This is the way my brain is wired. This is the way I am programmed to respond to my life. I also know that I can’t control the things that go on around me. I can only control what I choose to do, and how I respond to those external circumstances.

It’s easy to feel like overwhelm, anxiety, and panic take over before you even realize what’s happening. Experiencing these emotions isn’t a mark of failure. It’s a totally natural part of how our brains and bodies respond to perceive challenges. Especially when we feel a lack of control or understanding.

The challenge we face is how we spot the circumstances that act as our triggers and how we navigate them when they start to show up.

It’s normal to get caught in a cycle of trying to anticipate outcomes with the objective of being prepared so you can avoid feeling discomfort. Remember, it’s our brain’s number one job to keep us safe from any and all threats.

But when all your time is spent fixated and focusing on what could be, you’re actually creating the anguish that you’re experiencing in the present.

In my recent experience, I was running imaginary conversation scenarios over and over in my mind. It’s as if my brain thought that I was Dr. Strange going through all the possible outcomes the Avengers would have when going up against Thanos. Alas, I am no Dr. Strange.

Anyway, when you sit in the negative vibration of an imaginary future that you are projecting to go poorly, your current reality sucks, as well as your future experience. As an aside, if this isn’t a strong indicator for your ability to manifest things into your life, I don’t know what is.

A tricky piece with overwhelm, anxiety, and panic is that these feelings don’t come out of nowhere, even though that’s how you may experience them. They build in the background, feed off small seemingly harmless thoughts.

You may set out just turning something around in your mind in contemplation, as a small “what if?”. It may start as wanting to be thorough or prepared for what’s ahead. But it doesn’t take much for this simple inquiry to snowball and you find yourself going through every worst case scenario imaginable.

This will start to affect your body too with tense muscles, shallower breathing, increased sweating, and a racing heart.  If you’re not looking for any of these signs and symptoms, they are easily overlooked, but when the things that are keeping you distracted or busy quiet down, that’s when you realize you’re smack dab in the middle of overwhelm, anxiety, or panic.

You don’t wake up one day and decide to be anxious. It’s the accumulation of small moments, small worries, that eventually tip the scales. When your mind is so far ahead of your body, so far ahead of your current experience, this is where a significant disconnect is that creates the opportunity for overwhelm, anxiety, and panic to take hold.

Now there are moments in your life where practicing a conversation will be beneficial. For example, if you’re preparing for a presentation or working through potential answers for a job interview.

But here’s the thing: you get to choose whether you replay imaginary conversations in your head in an attempt to practice what you feel needs to be said, to prepare for every scenario that could ever happen. These start the spiral that I’m sure you’ve experienced can go downhill really fast.

Since you don’t have a crystal ball and can’t unequivocally know what any other person is going to say or do, fixating your thoughts on these imaginary conversations isn’t a productive use of your energy. The key here is recognizing when you’re no longer preparing but instead spiraling. The shift is about consciously deciding that you don’t need to have every possible outcome mapped out to protect yourself. 

Instead of being present now, giving your attention to healing and addressing what your emotions are showing you, you’re creating a scenario that results in you spinning into overwhelm, anxiety, and panic.

When imaginary conversations become my fixation one of the things I do is to remind myself that this conversation is not really happening. That it is a collection of thoughts in my head. I take this step to get off the merry-go-round.

Now if your experience has progressed beyond being able to just say “this isn’t real,” and talk yourself out of it, it’s helpful to bring your attention back to your body. This can be uncomfortable when your body feels so disconnected from everything, but it’s necessary. This physical shift allows you to step out of the loop of racing thoughts and focus your energy on something real and immediate, bringing you back to your body in the present moment.

You could bring your attention to the texture of the clothes you’re wearing, your breath, the feel of the crystal you’re holding, or the sensations of passing the beads of your necklace or bracelet between your fingers. You could also use a weighted blanket or snuggle with a beloved pet to help you root back into your body.

When you’ve rooted back into your body and reclaimed your mental energy, you then get the option of using this energy in ways that are helpful to you. Instead of pouring your energy into fear driven thoughts, you can redirect it towards nurturing self compassion and building the emotional resilience that will serve you in real life.

The energy that I was extending on imaginary conversations was better used focusing on areas that brought me a greater sense of compassion, using that energy to build up self validation so that when and if these imaginary conversations happen, I would have my own back and could withstand anything that happened.

Think about it: you want to be a certain person in your life, carry yourself a certain way, but right now you’re clenched up and trying with all your might to force it into being, by mentally ruminating on it. It probably hasn’t worked yet, right?

Instead, you could choose to focus this same energy, attention, and effort on who you want to be in the situation that is surrounding and spurring on your negative emotions. You can choose to support yourself emotionally and energetically so that you can embody the best version of yourself. So that you could actually show up as this person if and when the situation you’re ruminating on were to actually occur.

So many times when overwhelm, anxiety, and panic appear in your life you’ll have spinning thoughts, feel super disconnected, and things will feel frenetic. This is when I like to work with crystals.

Having the ability to work with crystals in a tactile way, whether it’s holding one in your hand, or passing of the beads of your necklace or bracelet through your fingers, it becomes a way to come back into your body, to ground into the physical experiences that aren’t driven by your anxiety or panic.

Each time you reconnect with your body, shift your thoughts, and reclaim your energy you’re not just surviving the moment you’re actively strengthening your ability to show up as your best self. Crystals are a tool to facilitate that process, helping you stay rooted as you take back control.

I’m going to offer Black Tourmaline as the best crystal to support you when you want to take control of overwhelm, anxiety and panic.

Black Tourmaline has a protective energy that creates a shield against negativity, and this will allow you to redirect your focus from fear-driven thoughts to more nurturing and supportive ones.

The grounding properties of Black Tourmaline help to anchor your energy making it easier to reconnect with your body and emotions and also fosters a sense of safety and stability within yourself.

Black Tourmaline encourages you to let go of the imaginary scenarios that keep you trapped in the cycle of worry and fear based thoughts.

Black Tourmaline also helps you root into the present, supporting your efforts to build emotional resilience, so you can strengthen your resolve and respond thoughtfully rather than reactively to your life.

Negative emotions, overwhelm, anxiety, and panic are going to continue to be a part of your life. It’s whether you want to let them be in the driver’s seat or not.

If you’d like to apply these concepts to your life, I invite you to use the link in the show notes to download the free Charmed Morning Ritual Worksheet. This tool will help you observe your thoughts, set clear intentions, and begin cultivating emotional mastery each day. Empowering you to navigate overwhelm, anxiety and panic more effectively. 

And if you’re ready to dive deeper, you can join me inside the Crystal Self Healer member’s portal, where we take all this material and create a personalized blueprint tailored to help you overcome your anxiety and overwhelmed. You’ll learn how to soothe your emotional and physical body, master your emotional responses, tap into your inner wisdom, and take control of your negative emotions.

Visit threecharmedgems.com to learn more and take the next step towards reclaiming your emotional wellbeing by joining me inside the Crystal Self Healer member’s portal.

Today’s episode has been brought to you by Black Tourmaline and redirecting your thoughts and energy. May we all embrace our power to transform fear into strength and choose peace in every moment. Blessed be, my friends.

All right, my friends, that wraps up this week’s episode. Thank you for joining me here today on the Crystal Self Healer Podcast. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, leave a review, and take the What Crystal is Best for You quiz linked in the show notes. Join me again next week as we continue to demystify crystals, how your brain works, and how you can use them so you can have more energy, get more done, and feel better every day.