Crystal Witch New Moon Ritual

Are you drawn to the mystical energies of crystals, tarot, and all things witchy?

Do you long to connect with the rhythmic dance of the moon to unlock your inner power?

Join the monthly live Crystal Witch New Moon Ritual and ignite the power of your intentions.

 ✨ Zoom link with date and time will be sent to your inbox


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💫 What Awaits You 💫

🌌 Meditation and Visualization: Journey deep into meditation, aligning yourself with the cosmic energies and visualizing your desires manifesting with each lunar phase.

🌠 Crystal Activation: Cleanse and charge your precious crystals under the New Moon’s luminous glow, magnifying their energies to manifest your dreams.

🌕 Tarot Wisdom: Card draw to unlock profound insights from the universe, guiding your path to abundance and fulfillment.

🌙 Join the Sacred Circle 🌙

Awaken your inner witch

Embrace the magic of the Crystal Witch New Moon Ritual


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