Today is Thing 1’s birthday. Sort of fitting that today also be the start of Three Charmed Gems blog since Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3 will be gracing future posts.


I’m a stay at home Mom of three kids, retiring from the work world when Thing 1 was born. My house is busy and over the years I’ve become increasingly lost.

Lost in the clutter that builds up on the surfaces throughout the house.


Lost amid the chaos of three kids (who will be referred to as Thing 1, Thing 2 and Thing 3) and a dog.

Lost because I haven’t figured out my identity as a parent.

Wise advice that should have been listened to a long time ago is to take care of yourself and maintain your interests when you become a parent. I’m sure I’m not the only parent who has struggled with becoming lost. Raising children is all consuming, if you want it to be, if you let it.

It has taken me years to embrace where I am in my life. To accept that I am a multi-faceted person, not just a stay at home Mom.

So this is my attempt at following that advice.

I’ve started taking regular Yoga classes. I now empower myself to embrace any opportunity to learn about Yoga and Meditation. Om.

Carving out time to create pieces of jewelry that are wearable and affordable.

I’ve started to dabble in Essential Oils in hopes that we can redirect our courses of treatment away from medications and toward more natural remedies.

It’s all an experiment. It’s called life. I hope you will join me in this journey of Three Charmed Gems.